Tone It Up Iphone Wallpapers
3:00 AM
If you know me at all, you know I'm a Tone It Up girl. For those of you who don't know what TIU is, it's a wonderful community of women, lead by Karena Dawn & Katrina Scott, who empower each other to live happier and healthier lifestyles.
On their website, , there are endless amounts of workouts, recipes, and informational videos on everything from fitness to some questionable dating advice ;). The community of women who follow TIU are beautiful, inspiring, fit, positive, and so much more. So, if you are a TIU girl you probably like to show it and represent! I made three Iphone wallpapers to help sport your TIU pride and add a little more motivation to your day-how can you not wake up for your bootycall when you have the symbol of share, love, inspire, and sweat in your face when you wake up?! Please feel free to download and tell me if you like them below!♥

I would also like to add that Tone It Up owns the logo, words, and anything else I mentioned about Tone It Up, I own nada :)
If you have a different phone and the wallpapers aren't quite working, please email me and I'd be more than happy to create one in the correct dimensions for your phone or tablet.
Thank you♥