Download here.
Decided to make a new Meal Chart to go along with the new Tone It Up Nutrition Plan update! If you aren't a TIU follower, this is still a great chart to track down your meals and plan them ahead of time. Enjoy and let me know what you think!

Download for your phone here♥
Face mask so good you can actually eat it. Totally using it this weekend!
This crochet bikini top has me dreaming of the beach...even if it is fall♥
The Fall Netflix Guide. Need I say more?
Wedding colors are probably one of the most difficult decisions a bride will make when it comes to her big day. You have to worry about season, venue, not making your soon to be hubby angry with pink and purple overload, will your bridesmaids like the dress color, what flowers can you find to go with your totally not occurring in nature color scheme, and the list goes on. I surprisingly didn't have too much of a problem figuring out mine so I thought that I would share a few good tips I've learned along the way!
Because dainty details are the best details.
Not only does this bra look absolutely stunning, it also looks ridiculously supportive. This is definitely one of those "if I had a six pack and a bra I would never wear a shirt while working out ever again" items :P
Because #winenot♥
I have an obsession with tea and probably drink a few too many cups in one day, so this is perfect for me. One to wake me up and one to make me go to sleep even if I'm on a bit of a caffeine kick.
These are the perfect Autumn accent for my coffee table♥

If you know me at all, you know I'm a Tone It Up girl. For those of you who don't know what TIU is, it's a wonderful community of women, lead by Karena Dawn & Katrina Scott, who empower each other to live happier and healthier lifestyles.

I know I've been pretty MIA lately, but on the bright side, I made a new desktop calendar! Download below and enjoy♥
I seriously cannot believe it's already September! Now that it's back to school time, it's time to get organized. If you're like me, you are probably so busy that you can't even remember what day of the week it is, much less the date. For this reason, I try to make sure I always have a desktop calendar on my computer so that it lessons the likelihood of me writing the 15th on papers when it's actually the 17th-it happens more often than I'd like to admit! Plus, who doesn't love cute desktop backgrounds? You're lying if you say you don't ;)

Summer is one of my favorite times of the year. For one, it's actually warm enough to work out outside, there's pool parties, beach days, barbeques, and best of all, no snow. You can pretty much spend all of your time outdoors if you wanted to, and well, who doesn't!? We all know that sun is damaging to your skin and the importance of sunblock, but do you know the importance of which sunblock you choose? Picking the wrong sunblock is not only damaging to the environment, but it can even be damaging to your health.
So, if you're anything like me, you're probably mourning the fact that you couldn't be in Miami for this year's Swimweek. Fit ladies, super cute suits, and the Miami Beach heat? Just give me the Ben and Jerry's now so I can pour my sorrows into it one scoop at a time.
Does anyone else have that oddly wavy, usually frizzy, always takes far too long to style hair like I do? Seriously though, my hair just doesn't understand my lazy girl ways-
I should begin this post by saying that I am one of the most disorganized people in the world. I function in what I like to describe as organized chaos.
And just like that, we're halfway through the year...happy June! I thought it might be fun to make a desktop and iphone wallpaper for the month, so I'm just gonna leave those right here...